First information on SUDOE 2021-2027

The pre-launch seminar of the SUDOE 2021-2027 programme was held in Toulouse on 7 July.

During the pre-launch seminar of SUDOE 2021-2027, the main lines of the future programme and the first information regarding the publication of the first call for projects were presented. The information is published on the website Interreg V Sudoe - Interreg Sudoe Programme.

In addition to the content on the axes and objectives of the Programme, we share the provisional calendar of calls for proposals.

The Interreg Sudoe Programme is part of the European objective of territorial cooperation known as "Interreg", financed through one of the funds of the European Regional Policy: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The first call (first phase October - December 2022) will be divided into two phases, as in the previous period, and has 45% of the ERDF budget.