Global assistance in the identification and management of public funding opportunities.

Services: Financing business innovation

Starting point

ESEKI, S.A.L. is a social economy company founded in 1995, it is an energy consultancy firm aimed at providing solutions in electrical installations, improving productivity, efficiency, energy savings and industrial supply, through a team of highly qualified professionals, and focused on continuous improvement and innovation. 

The company has among its business lines the Projects and Engineering line and identified in 2016 that the engineering line, oriented towards industrial safety and turnkey projects related to surface treatment, had a good market niche, with little competition and very good projection.

ESEKI, S.A.L. contacted Iniciativas Innovadoras to evaluate the possibility of obtaining public support for carrying out specific R&D activities given the lack of knowledge about public aid to companies for the development of Research and Development.

What did we do?

We work with different departments of the company (management, engineering department and financial department) to assess the suitability of the project development approach, and to resolve and advise on all doubts about the procedure, and to establish and specify the problems and status that justify the need to undertake the project.
We direct the completion, together with the company's managers, of the official application forms, the report and the project budget.
We provide assistance to the company throughout the entire process from approval to completion of the project, including all subsequent procedures.

We advise on the obligations deriving from the regulations governing financial aid.


We have provided additional advice regarding specific calls for collaborative projects (Call for Strategic R&D Projects of the Government of Navarra).

Do You Have An Innovative Project? Searching For Funding?

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